What can you do?
- Do not expect that traumatic memories and unpleasant feelings and emotions will quickly disappear - they usually disappear gradually over time, although there may be moments when you remember or reexperience them.
- Trying to forget what happened, avoid people or situations reminiscent of an event, may help only briefly. Denial is a coping mechanism which is not effective in the long run.
- Sometimes, you can't forget what happened – thoughts and images can come back no matter how much you try to forget about them. What you can try to achieve is a state in which these reminders will no longer be so dramatically painful. You can tell yourself: "It is my past, now I am safe, life goes on".
- If you find it difficult to deal with memories, try to talk about your experiences. Perhaps, one trusted person or specialist (GP, psychologist, psychiatrist).
- Avoid alcohol and other psychoactive substances – after consuming it, the memories that you wish to free yourself from may worsen.
- If, despite the passage of time, nothing changes in your well-being, seek professional help. You can also take advantage of professional help at any moment where you feel overwhelmed by all what has happened.

The EMPOWER project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 848180